imbWBI.ConsoleTool Console
Reference of console commands available at imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool Console command line interface. Implementation class (CommandConsole) of (imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Generated: Monday, November 19, 2018 – imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework. Console tool [v0.3.1]. Author: Goran Grubić [Copyright (c) 2017-2018]
Generated with imbACE.Core (
General info
Type ‘help’ and press enter to show list of all commands, ‘exit’ to close the console.
Command with default parameters: [command name]
For help on a command: [command name] ?
To be prompted for parameters: [command name] *
Commands available at the console root level.
001 Abort
Should be called from executing script.
It will abort the running script, and stay in the console shell
Example :
002 Cls
Clear screen – flushing console output buffer
Clears the current screen
Alias: Cls
Example :
003 Execute [exe]
Basic automation facility: reads lines from the script file and executes it as it was typed by the console user. If filename parameter is * it will ask user to select script to load.
It opens the specified script (.ace) file from the scripts folder and performs commands from the script
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | filename | String | script.ace | Filename for script to execute |
02 | delay | Int32 | 5 | Delay milliseconds between execution of each line/commands |
03 | repeat | Int32 | 1 | Number of times to repeat the script |
04 | askConfirmation | String | Text of the Yes/No confirmation box, if left blank it will not ask user to confirm script execution |
Example :
Execute filename="script.ace";delay=5;repeat=1;askConfirmation="";
004 Exit [x]
Exits the current console run-loop
If this is the main console of the application – it actually does nothing
Example :
005 ExportHelp
Exports help file into current state project folder
Writes a txt file with content equal to the result of help command
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | filename | String | help.txt | help.txt |
02 | open | Boolean | True | trueValues: True,False |
03 | onlyThisConsole | Boolean | False | If true it will generate user manual only for this consoleValues: True,False |
Example :
ExportHelp filename="help.txt";open=True;onlyThisConsole=False;
006 Help [h]
Provides Type-specific help content for the console, lists of all supported commands, plugins, local variables…
If help option is not specified, it will ask user for type of help should be displayed
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | option | aceCommandConsoleHelpOptions | none | Type of help content to show, if not specified it prompts the userValues: none,brief,parameters,commands,modules,plugins,full |
02 | onlyThisConsole | Boolean | True | If true it will generate user manual only for this consoleValues: True,False |
Example :
Help option=none;onlyThisConsole=True;
007 None [none]
Pseudo instruction – does nothing actually
Example :
008 Pause
It pause ACE script execution, optionally displays custom message and allows user to end the pause
If wait set to -1 there will be no time limit, the user will have to stop it. It will beep in last 1/5 of wait period.
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | wait | Int32 | 60 | How log the pause may last? in seconds. If set to -1 there is no time limit |
02 | msg | String | Custom message to be displayed to user. |
Example :
Pause wait=60;msg="";
009 Process
Processing script into selected form
It will load the specified script and process it into selected format
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | script | String | script.ace | Filename of script file to process |
02 | format | commandLineFormat | explicitFormat | Format to process script intoValues: unknown,explicitFormat,implicitFormat,onlyCommand,onlyComment,emptyLine |
03 | askForFormat | Boolean | True | Prompt user to choose the formatValues: True,False |
Example :
Process script="script.ace";format=explicitFormat;askForFormat=True;
010 Quit [q]
Quiting the aceApplication this console is running in
It will prompt the user to confirm, if specified by console configuration
Example :
011 Reset
Creating blank work folder (job/project) after saving the current
It will ask you for new job/state name and save the current state before cleaning the memory. If autorename is true it will make new name for new state if the specified one is already taken.
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | name | String | newproject | — |
Example :
Reset name="newproject";
012 Template
Uses template script file to dynamically create customized execution script
It loads specified template script file and applies provided parameters to the {n} template placeholders
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | templateName | String | word | Name of template file |
02 | parameters | String | 2,SM-LSD,1,preloadLexicon | Comma separated values for parameters |
03 | saveScript | Boolean | True | trueValues: True,False |
Example :
Template templateName="word";parameters="2,SM-LSD,1,preloadLexicon";saveScript=True;
Below are plugin command references, given in appropriate format (with plugin instance name prefix, leading to command name).
013 Plugin: wem
Class imbWEM.Core.consolePlugin.crawlJobPlugin
imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool Console.crawlJobPlugin
This is imbACE advanced console plugin for crawlJobPlugin
1 wem.Crawler
Defines new instance of the specified crawler. LT_t defines link take per iteration, I_max is iteration limit, PL_max defines max. page loads, PS_c is count of selected pages at end.
New crawler is attached to the AnalyticJobRecord and set as current on the state level
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | classname | String | SM_LTS | Name of the crawler class |
02 | LT_t | Int32 | 1 | Load take – number of parallel loads |
03 | I_max | Int32 | 100 | Iteration number limit |
04 | PL_max | Int32 | 50 | Page Loads limit |
05 | instanceNameSufix | String | Crawler name sufix | |
06 | primLanguage | basicLanguageEnum | serbian | Primary languageValues: serbian,italian,english,german,russian,slovenian,unknown,serbianCyr,french,catalan,danish,dutch,swedish,spanish,portugese,polish,czech,slovak,croatian,bosnian,bulgarian,macedonian,ukrainian,moldavian,romanian,greek,hungarian,hebrew,mandarin,arabic,albanian,turkish,hindi,persian,uzbek,armenian,mongolian,finnish,norwegianNB,norwegianNN,icelandic,lithuanian,latvian,estonian,vietnamese |
07 | secLanguage | basicLanguageEnum | english | Secondary languageValues: serbian,italian,english,german,russian,slovenian,unknown,serbianCyr,french,catalan,danish,dutch,swedish,spanish,portugese,polish,czech,slovak,croatian,bosnian,bulgarian,macedonian,ukrainian,moldavian,romanian,greek,hungarian,hebrew,mandarin,arabic,albanian,turkish,hindi,persian,uzbek,armenian,mongolian,finnish,norwegianNB,norwegianNN,icelandic,lithuanian,latvian,estonian,vietnamese |
Example :
wem.Crawler classname="SM_LTS";LT_t=1;I_max=100;PL_max=50;instanceNameSufix="";primLanguage=serbian;secLanguage=english;
2 wem.CrawlJobEngineSettings [CJES]
Crawl Job Engine controls the parallel execution of the Crawl Job.
Tdl_maxTime limit for one domain level crawl (DLC), in minutes defines max. minutes per one domain level crawl, Tll_maxTime limit per iteration, inactivity time limit in minutes. per single link load and TC_maxAllowed number of parallel DLC threads defines number of parallel domain loads.
This command sets the most important parameters of the Crawl Job execution. For Tdl_maxTime limit for one domain level crawl (DLC), in minutes and Tll_maxTime limit per iteration, inactivity time limit in minutes. value -1 means limit is off, for TC_maxAllowed number of parallel DLC threads value -1 means auto management.
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | TC_maxAllowed number of parallel DLC threads | Int32 | 8 | Maximum number of parallel DLC executing in the same moment |
02 | Tdl_maxTime limit for one domain level crawl (DLC), in minutes | Int32 | 50 | Maximum minutes allowed for single DLC to run |
03 | Tll_maxTime limit per iteration, inactivity time limit in minutes. | Int32 | 20 | Maximum minutes of single iteration allowed for a DLC before its termination |
04 | Tcjl_max | Int32 | 100 | Maximum minutes for the complete Crawl Job execution |
Example :
wem.CrawlJobEngineSettings TC_max=8;Tdl_max=50;Tll_max=20;Tcjl_max=100;
3 wem.Job
AnaliticJob declares one experimental run, this is the first command to call in scripts with experiment definitions
Creates new instance of ActivityJog and assigns it to the current state.
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | jobName | String | job | Name of the Job to define |
02 | jobDesc | String | Description for the job | |
03 | defaultStage | Boolean | True | If true it will prepare default crawler stage to execute crawl inValues: True,False |
04 | stampPrefix | String | Prefix at timestamp | |
05 | stampCount | Int32 | 1 | Stamp version count |
Example :
wem.Job jobName="job";jobDesc="";defaultStage=True;stampPrefix="";stampCount=1;
4 wem.OpenSession
Selects and preloads local index and Experiment session information. useJobSettings option will ignore other params and use Job definition
It will set report output information and create or load local index
Alias: OpenSession
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | experimentSession | String | ||
02 | IndexID | String | ||
03 | useJobSettings | Boolean | False | Values: True,False |
04 | crawlFolderNameTemplate | String | * |
Example :
wem.OpenSession experimentSession="";IndexID="";useJobSettings=False;crawlFolderNameTemplate="*";
5 wem.Plugin
Allows additional execution customization by crawling plugin
It will create instance of specified plug in and set it into proper collection
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | plugin_classname | String | * | Proper name of the crawling plugin class |
Example :
wem.Plugin plugin_classname="*";
6 wem.Run [R]
Runs the current crawl job
Starts crawl execution
Example :
7 wem.SampleFile
Imports sample from text file
Loads the file and adds domain urls from it into context’s sample list
Command arguments:
ID | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
01 | path | String | * | path to file with samples, if * it will open dialog to select the file |
02 | inWorkspace | Boolean | True | if true, the file path is interpreted as relative to console workspaceValues: True,False |
03 | sampleName | String | Name of the sample list, if empty it will not change current sample list name | |
04 | replace | Boolean | False | if set to true it will replace any existing samples in the listValues: True,False |
05 | skip | Int32 | 0 | Number of entries to skip, from the imported file |
06 | limit | Int32 | -1 | If set above 0, it limits the total number of domains imported |
07 | debug | Boolean | True | if true it will report on link preprocessingValues: True,False |
Example :
wem.SampleFile path="*";inWorkspace=True;sampleName="";replace=False;skip=0;limit=-1;debug=True;