

ELAG is Europe’s premier conference on the application of information technology in libraries and documentation centres. For over thirty years, the ELAG (European Library Automation Group) Conference has provided library and IT professionals with the opportunity to discuss new technologies, to review on-going developments and to exchange best practices. ELAG participants include more than 670…


GlossaNet is a specialized search engine and also watch engine. It lets you make searches in every published texts on the Internet in the form of RSS feeds : press, media, blogs, forum, firms, etc. You specify a RSS publication list, you register a query and the system will analyse these sources and will search…


Lexicon-grammar is a methodology developed by Maurice Gross and the LADL team ([9], [10], [38], [51], [49], [50], [48], [47], [44], [43], [42], [41], [40], [64], [83]) based on the following principle: every verb has an almost unique set of syntactical properties. Due to this fact, these properties need to be systematically described, since it…


LaTeX (/ˈlɑːtɛx/ LAH-tekh, обично се изговара као /ˈlɑːtɛk/ LAH-tek или /ˈleɪtɛk/ LAY-tek,[1] стилизован као  {\displaystyle \mathrm {L\!\!^{{}_{\scriptstyle A}}\!\!\!\!\!\;\;T\!_{\displaystyle E}\!X} }, и скраћено Лампорт Текс) је описни језик и систем за припрему докумената.[2] Разликује се од типичних процесора за обраду текста као што су Microsoft Word, LibreOffice и Apple Pages у ком писац користи обичан текст за разлику од форматираног…


Within the framework of the informal network RELEX of laboratories a group of European teams (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish) in the domain of computational linguistics has been working in close cooperation for more than five years on the construction of electronic lexicons and grammars. Each team works on its national language, and all…