Generating Secondary Reports

By Secondary Reports, we refer to summary reporting and analysis of earlier performed imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework.:IndustryTermModelIndustry Term Model is working title for the Web Classification algorithm, and it refers to particular namespace within imbWBI (documentation). The namespace contains few classes that are just connecting different parts of imbWBI.Core (documentation), imbNLP.PartOfSpeech (documentation) and imbWEM.Core (documentation) libraries, together to perform classification of business entities, actually their web sites, using natural language processing, ontology construction and at the finale:... experiments.

Generation of Secondary Reports - the process may take some minutes, depending on number of experiments you have in the [imbWBI]/reports directory

Generation of Secondary Reports – the process may take some minutes, depending on number of experiments you have in the [imbWBI]/reports directory

OpenOffice Calc – Excel summary

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