Tag: imbNLP

Crossed 10k downloads at NuGet & new versions released

GitHub Repository with new imbNLP.Standard library is just uploaded https://github.com/gorangrubic/imbNLP.Standard imbACE.Standard NuGet Libraries 0.2.30 released https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbACE.Core.Standard/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbACE.Network.Standard/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbACE.Services.Standard/ imbSCI.Standard NuGet Libraries 0.3.71 released https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbSCI.Data.Standard/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbSCI.Core.Standard/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbSCI.DataComplex.Standard/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/imbSCI.Graph.Standard/ … API Documentation for imbSCI libraries updated API Documentation for imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework. libraries (including imbWEM and imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework.)…

Visual Studio Extension – imbACE.BasicPack – Release Notes

The extension delivers multi-target C# (.NET 4.0, .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard) project templates, imbVeles (imbACE – Advanced Console Environment, imbSCI – Coding for Science) item templates and code snippets. Item templates cover: namespace XML documentation, imbACE Advanced Console and Plugin classes, imbSCI Global configuration and imbNLP Transliteration definition file. Project templates contain custom MSBuild target, that makes copy of NuGet .nupkg file to local NuGet repository, after each build.

Textual map and syntactic query

(DRAFT) The imbNLP library introduces quite unique data structure designed to facilitate robust regular expression queries over different facets of tokenized content graph model. It is called textual map, a textual representation pivoted collection, keeping record on references to the graph elements on char position level. When the textual map, shown below in conceptual example,…

NuGet Packages released & GitHub updated

I’m proud to announce that full stack of NuGet packages is released for all parts of imbVeles Framework. Check out my NuGet profile for the complete list: https://www.nuget.org/profiles/goran.grubic In the same moment, the complete source code is updated at GitHub, now having repositories for each part of the framework. gorangrubic115 repositories, 7 followers.