Commands of the itmPlugin

Excerpt from  imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool Console command line reference. Implementation class (CommandConsole) of (imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Generated: Monday, November 19, 2018 – imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework. Console tool [v0.3.1]. Author: Goran Grubić [Copyright (c) 2017-2018]. Generated with imbACE.Core (

imbWBI Console Tool v0.3.1 Console Reference

026 Plugin: itm

Class imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..IndustryTermModel.consolePlugin.itmPlugin

imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework..ConsoleTool Console.itmPlugin

This is imbACE advanced console plugin for itmPlugin

1 itm.CloneFVEOnSTX

Ensures consistant settings accross FVERefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... models in the experiment

It will take first FVERefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... model, and make clones with different Semantic Expansion setting – other FVEs will be removed.

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 name String * Name of the experiment to process, or * to use currently selected
02 start Int32 3 Starting value for StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)...
03 end Int32 8 Ending value for StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)...
04 code String 3 or 4 letter code indicating how the settings are different then in other experiments,* means sufix will be created automatically according to other modifications
05 kFold Int32 -1 number of k-folds, when specified it overrides settings of the experiment
06 rnd Int32 0 Overrides sample randomization, 0:no change, 1:randomize true, -1:randomize false
07 rename String Renames the experiment, if * the name is set automatically
08 mode String stxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... Clone modes: stxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)..., lpfCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud....

Example :

itm.CloneFVEOnSTX name="*";start=3;end=8;code="";kFold=-1;rnd=0;rename="";mode="stx";

2 itm.Compose

Utilize composite template system to create an experiment instance

What it load component specified and set the experiment as current

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 shell String default Name of experiment schell definition from composite templates sub folder of the project
02 classifiers String default Name of classifier set XML file from composite template sub folder of the project
03 fveRefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... String default Name of the Feature Vector Extractor XML file from composite template sub folder of the project

Example :

itm.Compose shell="default";classifiers="default";fve="default";

3 itm.CrawlScript

Creates script to perform (re)build MCRepository crawl

Creates script that prepares crawler, crawl job and performs the crawl

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 name String inIndustry What component of the model to crawl
02 clearRepo Boolean False If true it will clear existing MC RepoValues: True,False
03 debug Boolean True If true it will show some extra information during the processValues: True,False
04 autorun Boolean True If true it will autorun created script without asking userValues: True,False

Example :

itm.CrawlScript name="inIndustry";clearRepo=False;debug=True;autorun=True;

4 itm.Diagnostic

Evaluates current Industry Term Model project’s state

It will check in which phase the current project is, and if it is ready for application

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 verbose Boolean True If true it will produce more in-detail report on the state of the current projectValues: True,False

Example :

itm.Diagnostic verbose=True;

5 itm.DiagnosticMode

Sets configuration into system-check mode where minimum computation load is run, in single thread, just to enable debugging and system health

It will: set to single thread execution, one web page per web site is loaded, k is set to 1 (k-fold validation), uses cached lexic resource.

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 toggle Int32 1 if value 0, nothing changed, if its -1 it will turn off the diagnostic mode, if its 1 it will turn on the diagnostic mode

Example :

itm.DiagnosticMode toggle=1;

6 itm.Experiment

Executes currently selected experiment

It will create experiment execution context and run

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 classReporting Boolean True If true it will create additional report on each industry / categoryValues: True,False
02 caseReporting Boolean True If true it will create additional report for each processed caseValues: True,False
03 resultReporting Boolean True if true it will create additional report for each validation caseValues: True,False
04 makeGeneralReport Boolean True if true it will create General reportsValues: True,False
05 sufix String Adds specified sufix to experiment report folder name

Example :

itm.Experiment classReporting=True;caseReporting=True;resultReporting=True;makeGeneralReport=True;sufix="";

7 itm.ExperimentMatrix

Automatically creates 3×3 matrix of experiments variating TWRefers to HTML Tag induced term weight factor, applied during Lemma Table construction (Industry Term Model, imbWBI)..., TCRefers to Term Category induced term weight factor, in context of Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... and RXRefers to Continual Filter - Weight Reduction, in context of Semantic Cloud Constructor, Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... options

Creates experiment matrix using LPFCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud...., DFCDocument Frequency Factor - multiplier that is applied to Number of Documents variable in TF-cIDF term weight model. If DFC = 0, then it is TF model, if DFC=1, then it is typical TF-IDF...., IDFOn specified

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 LPFCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud.... Int32 2 Low pass frequecy–
02 DFCDocument Frequency Factor - multiplier that is applied to Number of Documents variable in TF-cIDF term weight model. If DFC = 0, then it is TF model, if DFC=1, then it is typical TF-IDF.... Double 5 Document Frequency Correction
03 IDFOn Boolean True IDF on / offValues: True,False
04 fveRefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... String CSSRM FVERefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... name
05 shell String k1 Shell name
06 stxStart Int32 2 StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... start
07 stxEnd Int32 6 StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... end
08 StrictPOS Boolean False Strict POSPart-of-speech, is very frequently used to provide linguistic information to NER and CR in form of features in statistical approaches... PolicyValues: True,False
09 Report Boolean False Should generate general report on classesValues: True,False

Example :

itm.ExperimentMatrix LPF=2;DFC=5;IDFOn=True;fve="CSSRM";shell="k1";stxStart=2;stxEnd=6;StrictPOS=False;Report=False;

8 itm.ExperimentRange

What is purpose of this?

What it will do?

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 TWRefers to HTML Tag induced term weight factor, applied during Lemma Table construction (Industry Term Model, imbWBI)... String std Term Weight Flag for HTML Tags
02 TCRefers to Term Category induced term weight factor, in context of Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... String std Term Category
03 RXRefers to Continual Filter - Weight Reduction, in context of Semantic Cloud Constructor, Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... String div Redux option
04 DFCDocument Frequency Factor - multiplier that is applied to Number of Documents variable in TF-cIDF term weight model. If DFC = 0, then it is TF model, if DFC=1, then it is typical TF-IDF.... String 1.5,2.0,3.5,5.0,7.5,10 DFCDocument Frequency Factor - multiplier that is applied to Number of Documents variable in TF-cIDF term weight model. If DFC = 0, then it is TF model, if DFC=1, then it is typical TF-IDF.... values
05 LPFCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud.... String 2 LPFCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud.... values
06 IDFOn Boolean True IDF turn on and offValues: True,False
07 fveRefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... String CSSRM FVERefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... name
08 shell String k1 Shell name
09 stxStart Int32 2 StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... start
10 stxEnd Int32 6 StxSemantic Term Expansion, number of steps that a lemma (term) will be expanded using Semantic Cloud, part of Cosine SSRM computation model - semantic similarity computation, applied in Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... end
11 StrictPOS Boolean False Strict POSPart-of-speech, is very frequently used to provide linguistic information to NER and CR in form of features in statistical approaches... PolicyValues: True,False
12 Report Boolean False Should generate general report on classesValues: True,False
13 rnd Int32 0 Overrides sample randomization, 0:no change, 1:randomize true, -1:randomize false, more than 1 will repeat the same model specified number of times
14 exName String * Experiment name
15 classifier String default Name of classifier compound

Example :

itm.ExperimentRange TW="std";TC="std";RX="div";DFC="1.5,2.0,3.5,5.0,7.5,10";LPF="2";IDFOn=True;fve="CSSRM";shell="k1";stxStart=2;stxEnd=6;StrictPOS=False;Report=False;rnd=0;exName="*";classifier="default";

9 itm.GetExperiment

Provides new experiment or loads existing

It will load or create new experiment and set is as the active one, ready for execution

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 name String Exp01 name of the experiment
02 makeDefault Boolean True if true it will create experiment setup with default settings (if experiment not found)Values: True,False
03 debug Boolean True if true it will provide more verbose outputValues: True,False

Example :

itm.GetExperiment name="Exp01";makeDefault=True;debug=True;

10 itm.ImportExperiment

Allows reproduction of earlier experiment by loading experimentSetup.xml from report folder.

It will load the experiment from specified address and set it as current experiment in the console, optionally it can run the experiment immediatly.

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 path String reports\STAGE05 Path pointing to the folder with experiment report. You don’t need to specify exact file name, just directory path. The path is relative to application installation folder
02 execute Boolean True If true it will automatically execute loaded experimentValues: True,False
03 silent Boolean False If true, it will apply default answers if otherwise user input was required. This is intended for scripted/automatic executionValues: True,False
04 suffix String _redone Report suffix used for report folder name (it will also filter out targeted experiments, in case you are pointing at


folder – to avoid endless execution loop)

05 onlyWithError Boolean False Execute only if experiment had errorsValues: True,False

Example :

itm.ImportExperiment path="reports\STAGE05";execute=True;silent=False;suffix="_redone";onlyWithError=False;

11 itm.Modify

Adjusting experiment settings

Modifies current experiment

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 TWRefers to HTML Tag induced term weight factor, applied during Lemma Table construction (Industry Term Model, imbWBI)... String std Term Weight Flag for HTML Tags
02 TCRefers to Term Category induced term weight factor, in context of Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... String std Term Category
03 RXRefers to Continual Filter - Weight Reduction, in context of Semantic Cloud Constructor, Industry Term Model (imbWBI)... String div Redux option
04 LPFCloud Matrix mechanism: Low Pass Filter, that reduces Term Weight or removes the term completely from Semantic Cloud of a Category, based on Cloud Frequency (CF) - number of Categories having the same term in the Cloud.... Int32 2 Term Weight Flag for HTML Tags
05 DFCDocument Frequency Factor - multiplier that is applied to Number of Documents variable in TF-cIDF term weight model. If DFC = 0, then it is TF model, if DFC=1, then it is typical TF-IDF.... Double 1.1 DF Correction
06 IDFOn Boolean True IDF turn on and offValues: True,False
07 StrictPOS Boolean False Strict POSPart-of-speech, is very frequently used to provide linguistic information to NER and CR in form of features in statistical approaches... PolicyValues: True,False

Example :

itm.Modify TW="std";TC="std";RX="div";LPF=2;DFC=1.1;IDFOn=True;StrictPOS=False;

12 itm.Open

Sets the current Industry Term Model projects

It will try to load the project or to create new under specified name

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 name String itm01 Name of project to load

Example :

itm.Open name="itm01";

13 itm.RepoOptimization

Removes unused content from repositories

It will use current project settings to filter repo entries for pages on language of preference and to delete irrelevant content

Example :


14 itm.Save

Saves the currently selected Industry Term Model project

It will call for save of the currently selected Industry Term Model project

Example :


15 itm.Setup

Performs basic setup procedure, should be called after new project created

It will ask user to insert or confirm each property in configuration modules: crawlSetup, nlpRepoProcessSetup, etc…

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 verbose Boolean True Provides additional hints and explanations during the setup processValues: True,False

Example :

itm.Setup verbose=True;

16 itm.SingleFoldTest

Trains the classifier and performs classification over complete industry classes, used for debug purposes

It will use complete sample of the class to train classifier, later it will run classification on the same class

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 prefix String Test name prefix
02 model itmModelEnum chunkTFIDF Model to use for training and classificationValues: none,wordTFIDF,chunkTFIDF,wordTFIDF_complex,semantic
03 report Boolean False if true it will create extensive debug informationValues: True,False
04 debug Boolean True if true it will create extensive debug informationValues: True,False

Example :

itm.SingleFoldTest prefix="";model=chunkTFIDF;report=False;debug=True;

17 itm.Summary

Scans report folders to produce summary report on all experiments

Scans for experimentSetup.xml files and collects all FVERefers to Feature Vector Extraction model, that may have one or more Feature Vector Providers, which is implementation wrapper for particular document semantic similarity computation model.... data into single table

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 reportName String Summary Prefix to insert in name
02 subfolder String Subfolder within report directory

Example :

itm.Summary reportName="Summary";subfolder="";

18 itm.Test

Used for development, to run quick test

on what ever

Command arguments:

ID Name Type Default Comment
01 word String word
02 steps Int32 5
03 debug Boolean True –Values: True,False

Example :

itm.Test word="word";steps=5;debug=True;


General info

Type ‘help’ and press enter to show list of all commands, ‘exit’ to close the console.

Command with default parameters: [command name]

For help on a command: [command name] ?

To be prompted for parameters: [command name] *


  • imbWBI Console Tool v0.3.1 Console Reference
    imbWBIWeb Business Intelligence libraries of imbVeles Framework. Console Tool v0.3.1 Console Reference - first useful version, with correct examples for ACE command calls with plugins.
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