Textual map and syntactic query


The imbNLP library introduces quite unique data structure designed to facilitate robust regular expression queries over different facets of tokenized content graph model. It is called textual map, a textual representation pivoted collection, keeping record on references to the graph elements on char position level. When the textual map, shown below in conceptual example, is queried for range from 5 to 9, it will return: words T1 and T2, sentence TS1 and phrase P1.

To build textual map, we use contentTokenSubjectRender.render method, passing as parameters: element of the content graph and mode of rendering that we want to query later.

currentForm Putting out the current form of the token
initialForm Putting out the initial form of the token
posTypeTagForm The POSPart-of-speech, is very frequently used to provide linguistic information to NER and CR in form of features in statistical approaches... type tag form: |A V|N|Part|Conj|
posTypeAndGramTagForm The POSPart-of-speech, is very frequently used to provide linguistic information to NER and CR in form of features in statistical approaches... type and grammatical tag form: [Amspf:Nmsps]|ADJ[fs1f]|
flagsForm The flags form: |phoneOfficeNeedle|symbol|number phone phoneNumber|
flagsFullForm The flags form: |dat_business.phoneOfficeNeedle|tkn_contains.symbols|tkn_contains.number dat_business.phone dat_business.phoneNumber|
descriptive The descriptive form: |”kompanijom”:”kompanija”:N,common,f,s,instrumental:lowerCase,letter,onlyLetters|
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